Thursday, October 15, 2009

Catalina Wine Mixer!

Argh matey!!!! So, we decided that in the 3.5 months that we are gone, we are going master everything we do in order to get a certificate!!! You will be in shock and awe with the stacks of ‘frameable’ certificates we will come back with. We have recently added one more to our previously acquired surfing,, scuba diving, and skydiving endorsements….piracy!!!! Argh!!! Oh yeah and not forgot that we were able to be the ‘deckies’ on the our racing sailboat- The British Defender! To recap quickly, we just got off our boat today that we were very fortunate enough to sail for 2 days , 2 nights around the WhitSundays. There was 24 fellow junior pirates and 4 ‘real’ ones that all aspiring to be one day. This boat was a racing sailboat…she was prime back in her day winning many races. With that being said, to enable manoeuvrability we definitely sacrificed some comfort and a whole lot of space. Brit and Taya were stuffed into coffin like quarters where rolling over was not an option. Claustrophobia got the best of Brit occasionally…but she persevered through it with the help of a port hole above her head….some would say perfect for star gazing, Brit would say just for basic breathing, perhaps for an emergency exit! All in all, the boat was amazing, very clean and the food was delicious.We did have a few mishaps because we couldn’t brush our hair or teeth below deck as per ‘Pirate’ Jessie’s rule because he didn’t want to have to deal with it haha! Fair enough, Taya can sympathize with him. Instead of doing the good old grass test to check wind direction, Briana thought that maybe a mouth full of minty, Crest whitening toothpaste foam would do it. Yup, it definitely was going south covering Tays’s left side of her body…mmm…so fresh and so clean !!! The sailing portion was bit of an eye opener. We quickly learned that it was imperative that we listen to EVERY command that the crew gave us. When they yelled to sit on the high side of the boat, we would quickly scurry to the appropriate side because it wouldn’t be long until the boat was perpendicular to the shark infested waters! We clamped our legs tightly around the edge of the boat to avoid the whole 'man overboard' thing! It was pretty cool , the crew taught us how to be “Grinders’ basically means 6 people working in pairs to raise the sails. There were 3 sets of ‘hand cranks’ that worked in the same fashion as bike pedals. We would simultaneously act based on the commands we received form our head ‘pirate’ Liam… the 4 commands were…’front of the boat’, back of the boat’, ‘hold’ and ‘ oh shit’ aka stop! Pretty sweet how they made us feel qualified sailors! All three of us were able to practice a couple times, with the last being caught on Briana’s video camera…so we can show you all! Included in our basic training we were able to have some downtime….we went to Whitehaven Beach, which is known as one of the ‘sexiest’ beaches in the world because of it’s gorgeous sand which is 98% silica ( NASA actually collects the sand to use because of its rarity) As for the ’sexy’ beach part….not so much! We lowered the standards with our, not so sexy stinger suits- full body, super tight, one piece, scuba Steve unitard! Amazing! HAD to be worn at all times because the jellyfish are abundant and lethal. To wrap this up…the WhitSundays consist of 74 islands with only 4 inhabited…we realize that are very fortunate, it is a rare and breathtaking spectacle. Tomorrow we head to Kroombit…where our next talent will be recognized….GOAT ROPING!!!!! Giddy up! Taya is currently whipping up her Velcro suit in preparation to show off her mad mutten bustin’ skills!Here’s us…signing off!
P.S. We thank every one of you for all the comments…you made our day!!!! Just making sure that y’all still keeping up with us.


  1. Wow! You guys continue to amaze me with all your skills! Just think of surfing down number one at golf kenosee in all this snow when you get home, cowabunga dude!!you'll have to wait until spring for scuba though, and i'm sure duncan will take you up in the plane and let you jump out!!! He won't mind at all! as for sailing and piracy, well you're gonna have to find yourselves a boat, and some shady looking characters to help you, but i bet you can pull it off, especially if you show them your certificates!!! And of course we know who'll be budding in line at the Manor Rodeo to bust out her newest skill,(taya),lol! keep your velcro gloves, the kids don't think of those! heehee
    on a more boring note, I HATE THE SNOW!!!! Send us some sunshine, PLEASE!!!
    Sounds like you guys are having a great time, despite missing turkey, it was good, i'm not going to lie! Taya there was so much turkey on your street we could've fed your whole boat!! And let's not overlook the turkey soup and turkey buns the next day, and PIE, on my was there PIE!!!! alright enough with torture, I don't want this held against me if I ever need the EMS, or a massage, or i'm hoping Briana will do something with my hair b/c i'm afraid something will happen to me like Lenny!! lol!
    Anyway take care, have fun and live it up!

  2. OK, Chels sent me a picture and all I can say is WOW! I hope you offered to bring him home Brittany. It would be a crime if he didn't get to see Carlyle.


    Heads Up
    Keep on having fun
    Aunt Connie

  3. If you're trying to make me jealous it's not working.
    I am NOT jealous
    I am NOT jealous
    I am NOT jealous

  4. Ladybirds!
    Sounds like a blast but same some energy and money for when I come to meet you. Things haven't changed too much in Regina. Melissa and Mikayah came home today. I think they had a good time but maybe came to the realization that they can NOT travel with Ang again. I guess not everyone can travel with a Mark. Supervising has been going okay but we will see and my days just fly by. One if the girls is little talkative and says such things as Halla, Hugh Hufner and he has a sweet ride. The weird thing is she is only a couple of weeks younger than me. Please kill me if I ever use those types of expressions. Well, we will talk soon.

    Do you guys have any recommendations for things that I must bring for the trip? Also where are you guys staying when you get to Auckland?


  5. Ladybirds!
    Can't write to much today! Off to Minot to visit Lisa and DRINK!!! Mom don't read that part! hehe! So, I am working Halloween night at BP's - should be interesting. Had a good night last night, it helps when you have fun tables. Although, I did have one girl at a table that brought me her plate of fries with one fry in her hand and said (as loud as she could) "THERE IS ANIMAL HAIR ALL OVER MY FRIES" So...I took it and examined it and told her it was not ANIMAL HAIR that it was fuzz and I would be delighted to get her a new plate of fries. Some peoples kids I tell ya! That's my news!
    Talk to you girls later!

  6. Hey guys,we had reject thanksgiving yesterday, and it was good. Getting warmer here so the snow is melting, and the streets are getting slushy. Believe it or not it wasn't too bad for accidents, eeven though people forget how to drive in the snow. We miss you tons, we all have not really hung out, except we went out for Nolan's goodbye supper, and got a lecture, don't even ask, I was so pissed off! I worked in Broadview for a couple of days, that was ok. It's now Friday, and just gotta figure out what to do for the weekend, I mean other then work :)

    Well you guys sound like you're having a blast! I have pirate Pete protecting Tina, so maybe I'll get mini you guys to hang from my rear view mirror to protect cliff jumper?!? think about it!

    miss you guys.....T&N

  7. Hi there cowgirls or goatgirls. So how is goat roping going. Bet it would be hilarious to watch.Did any of you actually catch one. We got our shingles on this week. They did 1/2 on Wed., couldn't do it yesterday because of the snow, but came & finished it off today. Tomorrow is supposed to be 15 degrees- hope we don't get sun burned- not used to such balmy conditions. Melissa & Mikayah came home yesterday- had a good trip. Uncle leonard was coming in to see the Dr. yesterday & someone didn't stop going onto the highway. Totalled the truck off - he is ok- just very badly bruised. Was brought in by ambulance because he was having trouble breathing. Went home last night. During the course of all this they did a ct. scan & found that he has blocked arteries in his neck. but deal with that later on. I talked to him tonight & he is fine - just very sore. Well must go . Maybe next year they will have goat roping events at the Arcola rodeo. & you girls will all practiced up .Love Mom & Dad

  8. hi girls. i just got back form trip to orlando we went to miami and tampa and ft.laudrale we are pretty dark ang got really burnt though you can see on facebook under my moms pics im takeing stanley to school close to halloween mel thinks stano should be elvis and reouldo be a hotdog im going to be mj reouldo and stano were in sock hevan yesterday stano still wouldnt go home instead renouldo wanted to go its pretty cold here its not close to anything to orlando mels pretty excited for her trip she cant find any summer clothing though but we found dashaund at petland instaed which is alot better i better go..... bye love you mikayah :)
