Sunday, September 20, 2009


Why hello our fellow followers!!! We are so glad you all seem to be enjoying this as we just love writing these...Brit and Taya have to because after 1 entry each in their journals, they aborted the mission and this will be printed off as a journal at the end!!! Slackers! Briana on the other hand, is nauseatingly faithful! So today is Sept.20, we are back to yesterday...apparently we are failing at this too! We came to the beach after a brilliant breakfast served to us on our porch...not bragging or anything...checked out the snorkelling...realized that it was going to be closed the next day due to Ramadan(sp.) holiday, so we ran to our room and 1 hr later we were on the boat to snorkel around the 3 Gilles Islands. Oddly enough, the 3 of us along with 3 other girls couldn't fit on the boat ( not because of our packs!!!) and we soon realized that their 'accent' was VERY similar, it turns out that they are 3 nurses from Regina General! Quickly came, the Rider chant, slow clap and singing row, row, row your boat through massive swells on the ocean! haha..instantly friends and have been hanging out since. We stopped in 3 places for snorkelling...Taya quickly realized that her and Micky are alike in that we are built for land whereas those GD Dalziel girls have gills..bitches! P.S. Micky if you are reading this, your 1st snorkel episode in Mexico makes me feel a little bit better about myself! lol. Of course Taya had the floppy snorkel and the mask that wouldn't seal..making her little asian eyes burn like no other...and of course, a fit of rage to follow!!! Saw amazing sea life, with beautiful fish and Nemo's, Brittany tried to ride a turtle just like Serendipity...we were a foot away...chasing it like a fat kid chasing a smartie. Briana decided to break out in song after seeing Dori...just keep swimming, swimming, swimming! As you all heard, we experienced our first earthquake at about 6 am...funny actually. Brit and Taya laying in bed cursing at the Ala god to remove the 'blessid' roosters from our rooftop, pillow, closets, under our bed..actually only outside..gawd dang I thought Roosters only cock-a-doodle-dooed in the morning...once! Not the case! Anyway, back to the point here...Briana lost her mind when the room shook like someone put a quarter into it! Throwing herself straight up, eyes as big as the Gilles goat when he saw us approaching, screaming 'EARTHQUAAKKKKEEEE!' a little dramatic..Taya tried to play it down, thinking a truck hit the bldg, soon remembering that only goats lived here ...unsure what to do-quickly went downstairs to check damage...Brittany thought...REVENGE OF THE GILLES GOAT! It was all good...pretty sureal actually, glad that we could experience it together! Today, was overcast, found our fellow canucks and took a 2 hour stroll around the perimeter of the whole island. Not much else...scubadiving in the next couple days. We extended our stay here in heaven until the 24th where we then head to Ubud for 4 days. Talk soon...just keep swimming, swimming, swimming! Miss you all. Peace. xoxox


  1. I am typing this note very slowly cause i know you guys can't read to fast.I need a hair cut and a message when are you guys home again?All is well hear going to game today with group from work should be fun.Well by all the notes on blog that is a cool part of the world we may have to look at visting some day thanks for scoping it out for all of us back here.Its going to be a nice day here again the farmers are loving it going full blast trying to get it in the bin before frost or rain but I'm sure they could use a day off.Well i'm off to catch bus for game at 10.30 thats about 2.30am your time.Take care and have each others back BE SAFE love Dad

  2. still sooo sooo jealous of you girls but on the flip side I am so excited for all of you. You have already gotten to see so many amazing things and you can honestly say that you survived an earthquake! I can just imagine Breezy when everything started to shake. Carter would have loved to of been with you when you got to see Nemo and will have to tell him all about it when you get home! worries, by the end of the trip you will be a pro just like the Dalziel girls!! Dont feel bad, them along with their dad and uncles and aunt pretty much grew up in the water lol hell they likely swam before they walked!!


  3. Hi girls. Glad to hear everything is going great. Not great here though, the weather is shitty - cold & drizzley & to top it all off - the RIDERS lost by 4 points to the Eskimoes. I would have been scared shitless in an earthquake- but another" been there - done that" event in your little journels. What a small world - to have met up with 3 people from Regina. How crazy is that. Appreciate the hot temps, it's 12 degrees here & i'm already freezing. Take care. Love Mom & Dad

  4. O.K. Yahoos, I just hope the Balinese give better scuba lessons than the Mexicano's. It takes months to be certified in Canada & 1 hour in a Mexican pool so if they offer a speedy lesson don't sign up!!! Spent the day staining the door.....Looks like shit!!!! Now I think I have to paint it! Raining here now, work tomorrow.MIss you guys lots. Hope everything stays good for you. BE CAREFUL! love mom

  5. hey my little ladybirds
    Im still really sad that Im not there with you. I pretty much check for new blogs about 5 times a day (im not even kidding..I've got it bookmarked on my blackberry) Your trip sounds amazing! I cant wait to see pictures. Im hoping you're stashing some of the surfers in your backpacks for this cat..only the real hippie ones for me tho ;)! I take my emerg exan tomorrow so I will officially be done training and be an long as i dont fail..Um what else? The riders lost to the eski's 31-27..pretty good game tho..close to a TD but ran outta time..none the less..annoying we lost. Sooo I hope you little munschkins are making me proud. And I miss you like I miss being flatchested! i crack myself up. LOVE YOU TONS
    ps the earthquake...super not sweet..and I think storms are bad!
    xoxoxo with a little bit of hand holding

  6. Hey Girlies - Wow - sounds amazing! Earthquakes - not so cool! Things in Carlyle are the same. Town was busy with homespun but thats about it. Taya - we had baby Ty here for the weekend - Lee says to tell you that you missed out again! He is so cute and the kids just love him. Shanai is already dancing and I guess the ice goes in here soon so Easton will be playing hockey soon. Lee...well we are not to sure yet! Other than that, nothing much else to report. Miss you girls lots! Continue with all the fun, its hard for us to even imagine what you are living. Good for you!!! Take Care! Love - The Bitternose Clan!

  7. Ladybirds! Well... I am officially working again and it SUCKS!!!! Had a little hiatus. It was awesome! Back to the real world! I get to go to a birthday party tomorrow. Yup, it's a 7 year olds! I am crashing it, haha! Nothing else too new. Mom is a little pee'd cause the door didn't turn out great. It was a rainy day today, kinda sucked. Ok, better go! I have to go to work tomorrow, sigh!

    Later gaters!

  8. Hi girls. Just a Quick note to say that I emailed you blog site to Uncle Dave- he just emailed back saying that he is going to check it out. It is Kathleen & lees' 50th anniv. this weekend & he is coming for it. Look forward to seeing him there. The weather is supposed to get hot again tomorrow. It is also fall equinox- just in case that you wanted to know that. haha Love Mom & Dad

  9. Hi Girls,

    You girls crack me up!!!! A earthquake and your
    still hanging out, good for you!!!
    Combines golf tourn. was lots of fun we golfed 3 over so for 3 1/2 golfers we thought that was pretty good. Donna got her bike lic today so
    I guess your going to miss all the free burgers she is handing out today, hmmmmmmmm.
    Good luck on your surfing, bye for now.
    Bev & Lucy
