Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hey Everyone! We just wanted to check in on here since none of you would appreciate a 230 am phone call from any of us....We are currently sitting at Lente , coffee and bakery in the Inochen airport in South Korea. So, we left Regina at 0855 Sept.12 and arrived in Seoul at 1700 Sept.13...quite the time change, flight was great, mainly because the time was shortened by about 2 hours from 11 to 9!!! Needless to say, none of us have really slept in the last 24 hours...but are having a great time so far with many 'overtired' moments haha! Quite interesting coming into the airport here, as we stood in 2 lines waiting to hand in our H1N1 forms, we were then scanned behind the Left ear...thinking for fever, but more so cloning...obviously...canadians are a big D! haha. Anyway, talk soon...we are boarding in about 2 hours to Denpasar, Bali...that flight is another 7 hrs!!!! Take care and we are thinking of all of your ladybirds! Looking forward to hearing from some people! (hint!hint!)


  1. Hi Guys Thanks for the quick update looking forward to the next one. Hope you got some sleep.Dad says don't worry about the kayak Britt. he'll drag it up the hill:)!! It's raining here,be safe xoxoxoxoxo mom & dad

  2. Yo! It's hot here :) hehe! Had to add that! I also got like 9 hours sleep last night! Also had to add that! Good to hear you are all doing well! Everyone here is doing good too! Let us know when you get to Bali!

  3. Hey girls. So glad to hear your flights are going well, pretty soon you'll just get to chill in Bali! Miss you lots, work is not the same :( Remember to look after each other! Ttyl
